recorder ever in hand, with a battery of typists on the ready, author Steve Allen
spent a lifetime producing an outpouring of novels, short stories, plays, musical comedies,
poems, magazine and newspaper articles, as well as comedy material. His published
books to date number 54. His articles, verse and stories have appeared in magazines,
newspapers and syndicates such as: Look, Saturday Review, Television
Quarterly, New York Times, Cavalier, Frontier, Redbook,
The Progressive, The Los Angeles Times, Chicago American, Indianapolis
News, United Press International, Chicago Tribune, Associated
Press, Coronet, Playboy, America, Cosmopolitan, National
Review, Wall Street Journal, Esquire, and InterContinental Press --
to name a few. |
Steve was often asked where he got his ideas but
had no ready answer. "Creativity, of just about any sort, is a mysterious
process," he said. "Nobody knows how the world's poets and story tellers
get ideas. You're brushing your teeth and suddenly you think: Hey, there's an idea
for a book! Obviously it wasn't brushing your teeth that gave you the idea."
Allen attributed his proficiency, in part, to an
insatiable curiosity. He dictated thoughts as they came to mind (which
seemed to be
almost every waking moment). The accumulated materials took the form of jokes,
sketches, poems, essays, songs, magazine articles, or additions for one of his many books
"in progress."
Click here for the current complete
list of books by Steve Allen.
When Steve Allen passed away on October 30, 2000, he had just
finished two more books, Steve Allen's Private Joke File (published on December 5, 2000 and available
at the Steve Allen Store -- see below) and Vulgarians
at the Gate, published in Spring 2001.
Vulgarians At The Gate rose
to # 7 on the Los Angeles Times non-fiction Best Seller list by the summer
of 2001. Mr. Allen
was also at work on several other books -- check back here on SteveAllenOnline for news on these new titles
in the coming years.
Attention Steve Allen Fans! Please check
out books available below from the Steve Allen Store. Most are
on sale for the Holiday Season. Order early while supplies last!!
Allen's Private Joke File -- New in 2001!
$11.95 plus s&h
Steve Allen is a legend among comedians and entertainers. He played
to audiences on stage, radio, film and television for more than 50
years, gaining acclaim for his unique wit and energy. Now, for the
first time, here are more than a thousand of his favorite one-liners,
anecdotes, limericks, quotes, other general funny things. The
entries are divided into nearly two hundred categories to make it easy
for anyone to find the right laugh for any occasion. If you're faced
with the prospect of having to "say a few words",
Steve Allen's Private Joke File is the perfect place to look for
ideas and inspiration on such topics as awards, drinking, baseball,
lawyers, dentists, insurance, marriage, the stock market, and dozens
of other subjects. A sampling: - My wife and I had words, but I
never got to use mine! - If ignorance is bliss, he should die of
joy. - "How are the acoustics here?" "Great, I can
hardly hear you!" - I learned to rumba very early in life....I
had a tricycle with a loose seat. - Room for rent, by young lady,
freshly plastered. Steve Allen has also included a number of his
favorite essays and monologues. Steve Allen's Private Joke File is
great to flip through for fun or for function, and for those of us
looking for a good laugh--to give one or to have one--it's
here for online ordering information. |
Special Offer
-- While Supplies Last!
You can own a hard-cover,
guaranteed authentic autographed copy of
Hi-Ho, Steverino!
Only $19.95 plus s&h
Steve Allen's 38th book is an autobiography covering his fifty years
in radio and television. Filled with comedy, both on- and
off-camera, this is Allen's first-person look at the Golden Age of
TV. Hi-Ho, Steverino includes Steve's experiences as creator and
first host of the Tonight Show, and his years as star of his own
primetime comedy series The Steve Allen Show, where he worked with
such gifted comedy players as Don Knotts, Tom Poston, Louis Nye, Pat
Harrington, Jr., Gabriel Dell, Bill Dana, Dayton Allen, Buck Henry,
Tim Conway, The Smothers Brothers, and Jim Nabors. In recalling the
glory years of these series, Allen reminisces about getting to know
such luminous guests as Jack Kerouac, Lenny Bruce, Elvis Presley,
and Jerry Lee Lewis. There's a chapter on Allen's award-winning PBS
series Meeting of Minds, and reports on his other comedy-and-talk
shows, series and specials, in which he relates on-the-air TV
boners, mistakes, and technical mishaps that are now part of the
comic folklore of television history. Along the way, Steve Allen
pays tribute to Arthur Godfrey, Ernie Kovacs, Jack Paar, Dave
Garroway, Jerry Lester, and other video pioneers.
here for online ordering information. |
How To Be
Funny, Discovering the comic you by Steve Allen
(with Jane Wollman)
$11.95 plus s&h
No one
knows more about comedy than Steve Allen. For four decades as a
writer, performer, and keen observer of the social scene, he has
looked into every aspect of who's funny, and why. Now he shares his
discoveries in a book designed to help every reader develop his or
her special talent for funniness. For anyone who wants to be a more
amusing conversationalist, a more effective public speaker, or just
more fun to be around, How to Be Funny is as foolproof as a Steve
Allen punch line.
here for online ordering information. |
by Steve Allen
$11.95 plus s&h
This is a rare, early collection
of Steve's radio, television and literary humor guaranteed to bring
many a chuckle. Edited from the book jacket cover: He's been the
original Talk Show host, a comedian, an after-dinner speaker,
night-club entertainer and serious actor... He's been attacked by
tarantulas, overrun by large red ants, blown up by dynamite... Who
else could host a "Prickly Heat Telethon" or invade
kitchens as the renowned "Graham Cracker" for a cooking
show called "The Rollicking Gourmet"?... He's done
slapstick, farce, satire, parody, physical stunts, even outrageous
puns... That high-pitched, falsetto-executed "Schmock-Schmock!"
is his trademark and it says it all. Scathing in its disregard for
dullness, naturally funny in its sound, inherently absurd, its
uninhibited zest stands for the high life of the spontaneous and
unexpected--and the just plain enjoyment of a good time. And now
here is Steve Allen at his best, with comedy monologues from his TV
appearances, snippets from the early years of "The Tonight
Show," after-dinner repartee, some of his wild off-camera
television commercials, the transcript of his memorable night as the
Mystery Guest on "What's My Line" when host John Daly
committed the one unforgivable sin, his television sketches (the
famous "You Bet Your Bird" and others), sketches for the
theatre ("Whatever by Harold Splinter," "The Genius's
Wife," etc.) and many other Allen classics, such as "The
National Jerk Test," "What Is a Clyde?"
and"Little Hip Riding Hood."
here for online ordering information. |
The Public
Hating -- a collection of short stories by Steve Allen
$11.95 plus s&h
This is a collection of Steve Allen's most brilliant short stories which takes the name of one
of the tales as title for the collection. The Public Hating itself
has been published in a number of anthologies, as well as in
Germany, Sweden and Japan. It says something important about the
disturbing phenomenon of mass-hatred. Stories: Irene, The Cats, The
Sidewalk, Joe Shulman Is Dead, The Girls on the Tenth Floor, The Award,
The Secret, One Reason Television Is So Terrible, The Italian Voices,
Houston Incident, Everybody Hates David Starbucks, The Southern Accent,
The House In Bel Air, The Pigeon, The Interview, The Saint, "I Hope
I'm Not Intruding", The Strangers, The Scribbler, The Blood of the
Lamb, Point Of View ,The Sunday Morning Shift and The Public Hating.
here for online ordering information. |
Ripoff --
The Corruption That Plagues America by Steve Allen
$11.95 plus s&h
Although we Americans tend to see ourselves as the
Good Guys -- and most of us are -- far too many of us are corrupt
and dishonest in our commercial dealings with others. This book
reveals disturbing facts about dishonesty in the marketplace, in the
entertainment media, the military, the churches, our schools and
other institutions. Edited from the book jacket cover: In a
successful motion picture of a couple of years ago, a TV newscaster
looked at the evils in the world around him and loudly announced
that he was "mad as hell" and was "not going to take
it anymore!" But outside of making the announcement, he did
nothing--nothing to alleviate the ills, or to help the situation.
When TV humorist, actor, musician, composer and author Steve Allen
views the extent to which corruption has penetrated all levels of
American society, he too is "mad as hell." But in Ripoff
he sets out to do something about it. In a scathing denunciation of
our greed-gripped society, Allen catalogs its illnesses and offers
helpful suggestions for remedial action. Steve Allen perceives
almost no present limits to the tide of crime and corruption that
has affected all walks of life in modern-day America. Congressmen,
senators, governors, bank presidents, industry leaders--even a Vice
President of the United States--have been caught with their hands in
the till. The youngster who accepts cheating on a grade-school test
as merely part of his education...the politician whose hand is open
for a bribe...the government investigator into fraud who juggles his
own expense account...the physician who "adjusts" his bill
to cheat the Medicaid system...the show business agents and
performers who work tax swindles as casually as they ply their
trades...the businessmen who "buy" their way into
successful careers...they are all here in Ripoff, and they do not
make a pretty picture. In a breezy, informal style, Allen lays out
the facts--from the West Point cadet cheats to the complex
machinations of the computer-based Equity Funding scandal--with the
deft touch that has made him a favorite on TV screens and in
personal appearances for three decades. He touches all bases, from
employee theft to shoplifting. With a sensitive social conscience
and probing mind, he asks how so much wrongdoing came about--and
what it bodes for the future. But even when Allen is most
despairing, he retains his sense of humor, managing eventually to
find hope and to provide answers that could lead to a less troubled
here for online ordering information. |
"How To Make A Speech" by Steve Allen
$11.95 plus s&h
"In our busy society
more and more people are called upon to speak publicly. Most of us,
unfortunately, don't have a natural talent for lecturing or
entertaining. This book gives dozens of practical suggestions about
how to look good at the lectern and persuade others to accept your
message." -- Steve Allen. Edited from the book jacket cover: If
you have ever tried to make a speech without adequate preparation,
you are painfully aware that it is not as easy as falling off the
proverbial log. In this book, Steve Allen shares with you all the
rules and tricks of the lecturer's trade acquired during his forty
years at the podium. Many of us know Steve Allen as the man on TV
who always makes us laugh--but he is also much in demand as a public
speaker. He is active on the lecture circuit, speaking sometimes on
humorous subjects but often with a seriousness of purpose on a wide
range of social issues. In this engaging how-to book, he sums up his
years of experience and outlines a clear, simple course of
speechmaking. The neophyte as well as the experienced speaker can
put many of Steve's suggestions and observations to work. Some of
the topics are: - Overcoming stage fright - Writing the speech - The
importance of rehearsing - How and when to employ humor - What to do
if your audience knows more than you - Serving as toastmaster.
Studded with examples of Steve's unique humor, this is truly a book
that will entertain while teaching you How to Make a Speech.
here for online ordering information. |