"Dumbth" The Lost Art of Thinking with 101 Ways To Reason Better & Improve Your Mind Critics raved about the first edition of "Dumbth" -- a work that one described as "the ultimate how-to book." Now updated and expanded with twenty new ways to think better, this is Steve Allen's humorous and provocative examination ofthe increasing American tendency toward mudle-headedness and ineptitude, which Allen uniquely defines as "dumbth." After cataloguing a host of hilarious and sometimes alarming personal encounters with shoddy workmanship, bad service, failures to communicate, and the general breakdown in the capacity to reason, Allen offers 101 solutions to this wide-spread problem. He recommends that we add a fourth "R" -- reasoning -- to the traditional reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic. Always witty and thought-provoking, "Dumbth" makes a compelling case that thinking well, like any skill, requires study, practice, and application. |