Reflections (Edited from the book jacket cover)
is a collection of thought-provoking philosophical observations on a variety of serious
topics. But anyone who knows such works as his two-volume study of Scriptures--Steve Allen on the Bible, Religion, and Morality--or
his incisive critique of America's declining intellectual standards--"Dumbth":
And 81 Ways to Make Americans Smarter--will realize that Allen's serious side is at
least as creative and interesting as his flights of comedic fancy.
Steve Allen is a largely self-taught intellectual.
Perhaps this is the reason that he is able to write in a casual but clear, nonacademic
style, which makes even his weightiest ideas accessible to the average reader. And
as befits a professional humorist, Allen displays his wit from time to time in these
pages. But by and large, this comments on assorted philosophical, political, and
social questions are not only serious but challenging. Not matter what issue he
addresses -- aging, happiness, heroes, justice, love, psychology, religion, sex, or TV --
the popular humorist and philosopher in one always finds something fresh and insightful to